
Made2Glow specializes in wearable electronics for new or existing costumes. We don't make the costumes, we make them awesome!


Services Made2Glow can provide are:
  • LEDs
  • General electronics such as fans, audio, animatronics.
  • Programming
  • Machining
  • Welding
  • Wood working
  • 3D printing and laser cutting (Done by 3rd party)
  • Consultation

How to commission Made2Glow:

1. Contact Made2Glow via email/Telegram with your request.

2. Made2Glow will give a quote. If the project is experimental and R&D has to be performed, a quote range will be given as it will be hard to calculate the time invested. The higher value will be used for the down payment. Once done, the final value will be adjusted to reflect actual work done.

3. Made2Glow will give a timeline when the work can be done. Note: Time lines are subject to change. A rush fee of 20% of total quote may be applied.

4. Once complete Made2Glow will require the full amount before shipping.

5. Made2Glow offers a 90 day warranty from the date of commissioner receiving the product. Shipping to Made2Glow is the responsibility of the sender, however Made2Glow will cover return shipping at a regular rate. If the owner requires the product to be shipped faster, they will pay for the difference in higher tier shipping cost. The product will be repaired at no cost and a free sticker will be throw in for their troubles. See the TOS for the full details.

How Made2Glow operates in a collaboration with a suit maker:

1. Contact Made2Glow and negotiate what exactly has to be done. Measurements of LED/wire lengths can be sent over and a LED kit can be created. This reduces on shipping costs, but increases the chance of measurement error when the LEDs are to be installed into the suit. Or the suit can be sent to Made2Glow to fabricate and install the LEDs and send back suit. For example, if the suit is getting LEDs on every part of the body. The unfurred head and feetpaws need to be sent with the body, tail, handpaws.

2. The maker handles all finances from the commissioner. A down payment 30% upfront before start of work is required. Unless otherwise agreed upon.

3. If the suit requires to be shipped to Made2Glow for any work, shipping charges will be applied to the quote to the commissioner.
Note: Made2Glow is based out of Alberta Canada.

Proven LED building technique

Made2Glow is best known for LEDs in costumes. The LEDs have been developed to be waterproof and flexproof. They can be installed into a suit directly sewn in. However the suit will need to be hand washed only. Machine washing puts too much strain on the wiring and could reduce their life. When washing be sure to remove the controller as its water resistant, but not proof. Spray the connector contacts with electrical contact cleaner after to prevent corrosion.

Commission pricing:

There are a few factors in creating a quote. Material cost, estimated time to completion, power system for the project, programming. These values are ballpark, they do not represent actual costs in the examples.

For example you wanted LEDs in a suit:
If the LEDs were over 150 or their power consumption was over 2.4 amps. The cost jumps due to switching from using a USB power bank to a special LiFepo4 system with its own charger. A lot more safety devices will need to be added as well to prevent harmful failures.

Suits of say a few LED highlights of 150 total and not too complex can cost about $200-$500 USD.

For a suit like mBlade thats owned by Made2Glow. There are 350 LEDs with music reaction and tactile buttons in the palms to control. Its a rather simple canine setup. To do LED work like that, would ballpark $1200 USD.

For a suit like Gem Raptor. There are 479 LEDs with music reaction and GlowLink (Wireless 2 way control). It has complex features like wings and the gem that was crafted by Made2Glow. To do another suit like that can cost ballpark $2000 USD.

If you want to be a walking TV screen, it could be done. However the cost can be staggering. But it can be done. There isn't much Made2Glow can't do with LEDs. (watch for mBlade 2.0)


Made2Glow takes safety very seriously. Measures have been taken to ensure that the wearer will not get harmed. Techniques like ensuring all exposed wires are sealed, fuses put into place, and using flame inert battery chemistry such as LiFepo4 for larger LED projects.